
 Disneyland's History
One day Walt Disney had a vision. It was a vision of a place where children and parents could have fun together. The more Walt dreamed of a "magical park," the more imaginative and elaborate it became. to see more about its history visit this website. http://www.justdisney.com/disneyland/history.html
All SUSI students (Exchange student from Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq in “Leader of media program in US) were excited to that interesting day. Everyone said “we will have fun today".

That’s true. "Disneyland" yah; everyone dreams to visit Disney and have a real connection AND communication with that world who stay with us in whole of our childhood life and up till now; because they were part of our childhood; no not just childhood because we still watch them till now. Disney was as a Kingdom in our dreams but today it’s a fact. Yup there is Disney Land with all of its characters and its fantastic world.

"Come on open the gate right now”. With these words we started when we arrive Disneyland because we just can't stay outside anymore. That’s funny isn't so. Finally the gate opened and we have our tickets that's "Relief International" "the sponsor of the program paid for it: it was about 97$ each. Actually, I see that this place is very amazing and with consider to what we find inside it deserves more and the tickets is so cheap.

Anyway, we started our tour, the first adventure was shared between all the team; I mean the entire group. It was Indiana Jones adventure. And this photo shows our feeling after it finished. Everyone is smiling in this picture so it means everyone likes it.

Los Angelos

I arrived to Los Angelos California 17/7/2010

And up till now I discovered a different culture between our home town and here
So a question raised here: “what's the difference between our cultures?”
The first thing was interesting and catch my attention is the present of green grass and trees all around the streets and buildings. Wow I like that. I really like it; everything is clean and amazing. the most fantastic thing is that u can feel free lying on anywhere in the grass without getting any attention from anyone because no one will look to you .
I had tried this feeling lying down on the grass looking to the sky having a nap coooooooooool.

The second thing catch my attention is the libraries; yah everyone here likes to read, where there are huge libraries and even book stores. We visited a lot of book stores where the price of the books is so expensive; and even so people go and buy books. A question raised here “why I'm surprised or shocked?” .everyone in this country have an iPod, laptop, iPhone, internet is so cheap comparing with my country. So even with all of the new technology and available of internet connection anywhere people still care for books.

Third thing I like is New media or social media or even using internet as success tool to advertise their product. OK I will tell u how. first of all restaurants have websites so u can search online for food and choose from the menu whatever u like, after u decide what u want u just make one call and order. Second if u want to search for a store u just have to write down its name on a search engine and u will find all the branches with a description of the addresses and bus numbers u have to take. Third, u can buy things online without paying tax, just choose from one of the option from one of the huge websites they use for buying and order it. People here trust these sites and trust buying from internet more than we do. Fourth if u want to watch a movie just make a little bit search and decide what movie u want to watch and go on time. OK enough for this part let's talk about something else......

Next, I like universities and kids schools here.
We stay in UCLA University; I don't even have words to describe this unbelievable place. It was just as a dream. It’s not just a university it's a dream world. I bought a UCLA sweater because I like this university and I consider myself related to this place in one way or another. I would like to send big thanks for the sponsors for keeping us stay in this university and sleeping in its dorms.

Moreover I like the traffic order here everyone respect the traffic light even that there is no traffic police man. In our country people start shout for the one who stop on the sign,,, keep walking nobody on the road... and some bad words...
And here the bus have a lot of stops and u just wait for the bus under the its sign where bus can't stop except in his stop area.

I like more the using of GPS; so everyone can reach the place he wants to go easily. You don’t have to stop to ask people for the location as we do in Lebanon. No just put the address in the map and it will lend u to the place directly.

Moreover I like clothing yah everyone here can wears anything he/she wants without paying great attention to suitable colors. Sometimes I saw people colorful as a clown where in our country we pay a huge attention for this part. If we wear something it has to be related to each other in colors from the head till the shoes, and everyone will make a comment....
With all of that I keep searching for new citizenship LA citizenship but I have found that this State is a collection of  all identities except real citizenship for example from china , from Korea, from Japan, from Mexico, from Middle East, and a lot more...............
And all of them who have the US Identity have the rights as US citizenship because I saw them in a lot of position even government position; that's good.

Now I will discuss what I dislike in this country or things that I find better in my country that is "Lebanon"
Here in LA there are a lot o homeless people sleeping on the roads; their looks are a kind of a disaster, there must be places for those people. In my country u don't see this kind of people and if u see them that's can be counted very very few and that's because they refuse the help to have a home because they.
Taxis here are soooooooooooo expansive while it's very cheap in my country where u can share taxi with four passengers. Taxis or buses can stop anywhere to ride passengers or getting them down
Here people wait for the weekends to go out, while in Lebanon we just go out at any time we want.
In LA everyone is alone, so there is a lot of boring time; while in Lebanon and especially in Lebanese village u just make a Teapot or coffee coffeemaker and sit outside your door and all your neighbor will come and set together chatting.
I become little bit tired now so I will stop and complete later to talk about places I have visited here in LA
Have a nice day...

Community Service

Salvation Army
It's located in Los Angelos/Claifornia
It's an important organization where it takes care of families for 2 years in order to rebuild their lifes and try to teach them new tools as Computer in order to make them familiar with the new world and technology. So in this way they will be able to find jobs.
Moreover They takes care very well with their kids and teach them in an excellent way.

It's very important to our country to have one like this but a little bit different because we don't have homeless people whom don't have homes. so it's important as a place to rebuild people uneducated or those whom searching for jobs to be qualified and able to earn money.

One thing I have as a criticisms is that they just teach them computer and things like that
but what about those who don't know how to read or write.
So I suggest to teach them hand made things as Accessories and decorations, how to make things they can sell from trash.